Battling for survival along the warming source of Blue Nile
With increasing incidence of erratic rainfall and flooding affecting their crops, groups of small holder farmers switch from rain-fed summer
Only water justice cures unhealthy Nile rhetoric
All Nile basin nations need to come together, re-think water efficiency and climate change vulnerability, and find a remedy to
Is Ethiopia’s new dam across Nile about hydro power or a political statement?
Traditionally Egypt has enjoyed a higher share of River Nile’s water, given its need and downstream location. Ethiopia’s
Why Egypt gets the jitters when Ethiopia dams the Nile
Ethiopia is building a large dam across the Nile within its political boundary, to spur sustainable development through renewable hydropower.
900km Nile City
The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is the most water-scarce in the world. More than 60% of the