
Integrating the voice of our environment into democracy: an ecofeminist view

Integrating the voice of our environment into democracy: an ecofeminist view

There exists a direct relationship between democracy and the environment. In our world today, a healthy democracy means a healthy
4 min read
Farmers till the sands of the Kamala river in Nepal

Farmers till the sands of the Kamala river in Nepal

In recent years cultivation has sprung up along a 35-kilometre stretch of the Kamala river, bringing both opportunities and problems.
5 min read
Dutch consultancy helps Mekong Delta farmers switch to sustainable agriculture

Dutch consultancy helps Mekong Delta farmers switch to sustainable agriculture

Resource-intensive practices made farming environmentally and financially unsustainable for rice farmers of the Mekong Delta. With a blend of varied
3 min read
A testimony of water challenges in south-east Asia

A testimony of water challenges in south-east Asia

Urban growth, temperature rise and melting glaciers threaten river deltas around the world. South-east Asia – from India to China – in
7 min read
Bangladesh battles flooding caused by sea level rise and ice melt

Bangladesh battles flooding caused by sea level rise and ice melt

With more meltwater from the Himalayan rivers and sea level rise caused by global warming, in addition to erratic monsoons,
6 min read
Living at the crossroads of political ecology

Living at the crossroads of political ecology

Water challenges are embedded in a political and ecological context, a fact often underestimated in our technocratic institutions and societies.
10 min read
Water levels in Himalayan river basins drop as world warms

Water levels in Himalayan river basins drop as world warms

As the world warms, less water is replenishing major river basins, a new study has found. This could impact water
5 min read
The curse of coal

The curse of coal

Jharia, the coal-rich belt falling in the eastern state of Jharkhand in India, has one of the largest coal reserves
7 min read
Is Ethiopia’s new dam across Nile about hydro power or a political statement?

Is Ethiopia’s new dam across Nile about hydro power or a political statement?

Traditionally Egypt has enjoyed a higher share of River Nile’s water, given its need and downstream location. Ethiopia’s
6 min read
Climate change causing faster snow melt in the Himalayas

Climate change causing faster snow melt in the Himalayas

Disasters such as the recent flash flood that hit the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand underscore the dangers of climate change
4 min read