Adenike Oladosu

Adenike Oladosu

Founder of I Lead Climate Action Initiative, Nigeria.
Integrating the voice of our environment into democracy: an ecofeminist view

Integrating the voice of our environment into democracy: an ecofeminist view

There exists a direct relationship between democracy and the environment. In our world today, a healthy democracy means a healthy
4 min read
The intersection between ecofeminism and agriculture

The intersection between ecofeminism and agriculture

Women are the first to suffer the consequences of climate change and the last to receive economic gains. Adenike Oladosu
4 min read
A shrinking Lake Chad is leading to conflicts and gender based violence

A shrinking Lake Chad is leading to conflicts and gender based violence

Adenike Oladosu has observed the effects of the vanishing Lake Chad, located at the conjunction of Cameroon, Chad, Niger, and
3 min read